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The last network marketing company I worked with I had to build a list of 100 people and then pick my top ten and approach those top ten with the business. Each week I would rework my list and approach the next ten. It was awkward and uncomfortable. I was phoning people I hadn’t talked to in years and having them talk with someone in my upline to persuade them that they needed to join the business. I struggled and a lot of people were starting to avoid me. Others in the company were doing well with this approach and it frustrated me that I wasn’t having the same results. It ended with me falling into a deep depression.

During that time I was introduced to Plexus Worldwide. I wasn’t interested in joining another network marketing company and honestly I just looked at it to see if I could learn something new I might be able to apply to the business I was struggling with. I was so brainwashed into believing that my company had the best pay plan out there and genuinely cared for their distributors. I believed the only reason I wasn’t succeeding was because of my own deficiencies.

You know when you believe something so deeply that you can’t even hear another possibility? Well that was what was happening to me. I couldn’t switch gears. It wasn’t until I had gone through another 3 months of struggling before I actually ‘heard’ what Plexus was offering.

Well my husband was pretty well bed ridden with a back injury and was desperate for relief. He heard some results people were having with Plexus so he signed us up and ordered us some Plexus. Within the first week we noticed a gradual increase in energy. Within a few weeks my husband was able to walk again without a cane. The products had us sold and we were so excited we told everyone around us and started making money right away. We didn’t need to have 2 or 3 people signed up to make money, we made money off the very first person that signed up. Not only were we making money we were getting healthy and starting to enjoy life.

So I never want anyone to go through the depression and the failure I felt with the previous company I was with. I encourage people to try the product, not the business. The business comes naturally. NO NEED TO BUILD LISTS. The products have a 60 day money back guarantee. So there’s no risk. Plexus has allowed us to help people regain their health and to build an honest business. We are truly blessed.


Micky Bixby


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