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Dear FEAR,

Dear Fear,

Today I write to inform you that you will no longer have a hold on my life.

We have spent many years together and you have dictated my actions for too long. At one time I thought of you as my protector and looked to you for advice. I now see that you were feeding me lies and holding me captive to a life where I only survived. I will no longer look to you for your advice. If you try to demand my attention, I will talk louder than you.

I will trust myself. I know your thoughts about my capabilities, but they really are not true. I was created with a good mind, and am capable of doing anything I set my mind to do. The mistakes I made are in my past and only stories I leave behind. My future is completely free from those stories, except that I have learned from them and have become stronger and smarter because of them. I will not listen to your opinions of what people are thinking about me. I will not listen to you tell me how foolish I am looking or how stupid I sound. Being free to be me and not worrying about how I am perceived is the only way to offer hope to others. I will not tolerate you showing me why I can’t be as good as anyone else, because I am not supposed to be as good as anyone else. I am only supposed to be perfect at being me. And I have that covered.

So thank you for being there when I invited you, but you have overstayed your welcome. Please continue back to the hole in the ground you belong to.



Fear dominates so many lives and sometimes we need to put it in it's place. I hope this letter inspires you to write your own letter to fear and start living courageously.

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