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What are you chasing?

When I was little and we would play tag, I always hated being ‘IT’. It meant chasing the other kids while they laughed and giggled. I was always the smallest and my legs didn’t carry me as fast. It was hard work and I felt alone. Starting my network marketing business kind of had that same icky feeling. I was busy chasing success, feeling like I couldn’t keep up and feeling alone. It’s easy to get so caught up in the chase of success that you lose focus of the reason you started your business in the first place.

The reason I started my business was so that I would have a more relaxed lifestyle and more times with my family. I hated coming home from work and then rushing to get supper on the table, and rushing to get everything done before I started work again in the morning. I wanted a simpler life. I wanted to be to be a good example to my kids and not be so stressed out all the time. And trying to build my business, I kept thinking as soon as I get to this next level, life will be good. But the chase kept continuing to each level. And I was spending so much time on the phone, in meetings, on webinars and skype calls, that my stress just switched from one lifestyle to another.

If you are wanting family time and peace then schedule your time. Give yourself time for meditation each morning and seek peace. Then set your schedule for the day. I find if I meditate first, it puts my mind in the right state to plan out my day. Then at the end of each day write down your accomplishments. Don’t focus on what you didn’t get accomplished, focus on what you did get accomplished. Feeling positive about your successes takes you a lot further than beating yourself up over what you missed. At the end of each day I only allow myself to be thankful.

If you are chasing the Almighty Dollar, dig a little further and figure out what that extra money actually means to you. You will realize it is actually the freedom from stress, or work, or more time with your spouse and family. The media wants to make you believe that you need all the toys and luxuries only money can buy, but I believe we are deeper than that. Life has more meaning than money can offer.

If you want to learn more about network marketing and marketing yourself, go to and sign up for my newsletter.

Micky Bixby Marketing Yourself 2015-1-14-20:47:8



Micky Bixby


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