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Recently Forbes pubished this article on using Network Marketing as a retirement plan. I loved this article because that is what Network Marketing is for us. I worked as a rental coordinator in a retirement community before I decided to become a professional network marketer and saw first hand how bleak life is for seniors with little or no retirement savings. That was an eye opener for me. I don't want to live the last days of my life in the smallest, oldest room in an old run down building. I would be relying on goverment pension which would leave me with absolutely no money left over to buy my grandkids gifts. This is becoming a big issue in some places because the government sees they are losing money in retirement homes and are handing them over to private facililties. And the private facilities can't afford to run them on the income seniors are recieving from the government. So the seniors with little, to no, income saved up are having the hardest of times. Become informed.



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